Ames Location

Ames Location

The Ames location during Jobapalooza. Many people are smiling and walking around in the sunshine.
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Office is closed on the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Day

  • Martin Luther King Day

  • President’s Day

  • Arbor Day

  • Memorial Day

  • Juneteenth

  • Independence Day

  • Labor Day

  • Indigenous Peoples’ Day

  • Veterans’ Day

  • Thanksgiving Day

  • Christmas Day
Language Access
Interpreter services are available to access all our services.
Health & Safety
Free face masks are available for anyone visiting the American Job Center. Staff are required to disinfect surfaces between visits.
Accessibility Statement
HWS is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer. Relay Services are accessible by TTY by dialing 1-800-833-7352 (TT) and hearing callers may dial 1-800-833-0920. If accommodations are needed, please contact us at (402) 444-4700 or by emailing

HWS es un empleador de igualdad de oportunidades/acción afirmativa/veteranos/discapacidad. Los servicios de retransmisión son accesibles por TTY marcando 1-800-833-7352 (TT) y las personas que pueden oír pueden marcar 1-800-833-0920. Si necesita adaptaciones, comuníquese con nosotros al (402) 934-2575 o envíe un correo electrónico a
Book A Conference Room

Getting Here


Several colorful bicycles
Bike racks are available near the front entrance. We suggest coming in from North 56th Street via the DMV parking lot entrance to avoid vehicle traffic.


Image depicting bus routes to the Ames location. Full description to the right of this image.

Transit Routes:


Route 18: Closest metro bus stop


Route 3: From South via 42nd Street


Route 24: From South via 24nd Street, then switch to Route 26 from East at Ames


For MOBY accessible bus arrangements, please contact Omaha Metro’s Rider Guide – MOBY for transport reservations.


The bus stop is located just outside of Dollar General, to the Southeast of the parking lot.


The only two entrances to the property are the East entrance via the DMV parking lot ramp (entering via 56th Street) or the Southeast entrance via Ames Street by Dollar General. The Southwest traffic-way by Planet Fitness is for exiting via right turn onto Ames Street only.

HWS visitors may park in the Northeast are of the parking lot (highlighted in yellow). Handicap parking is available on the Northwest end of the parking lot (shown in blue) near the building’s public entrance.

Note: MOBY drop-off is also at the public entrance between handicap stalls. All curb cutouts are marked via tactile paving. All exterior doors are marked with a thick rubber mat.

Assistive Technology

Overhead photo of a desk with a set of headphones, two small zippered bags, a tablet, an iPad, and a silver laptop.
The Resource Room has the following aids and accommodations available:
  • Magnifier that increases the size of the information on the screen
  • A narrator which will read the information to the user
  • On screen keyboard which allows the mouse to be used to type
  • A high contrast option for those with low vision issues
  • Sticky keys enabling the user to enter key combinations by pressing keys in sequence rather than simultaneously
  • Zoom text
  • Adjustable computer tables
  • Jaws Screen Reader
  • Headphones
  • Lyric
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Heartland Workforce Solutions

Contact Info

Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 5:00 (Ames)
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 5:00 (24th Street)

Our Locations

5752 Ames Avenue in Omaha
4425 S 24th Street in Omaha